Spent the past two days in Kinlochrannoch. Very wet on the Friday night (only sighting was a possible Badger in the headlights). However Saturday dawned mild and mostly dry. Out for a walk early on, immediately became aware that the glen was full of winter thrushes - maybe several hundred around the village alone. Most were Fieldfares, with maybe 10% Redwings. Very restless, constantly taking flight from treetop to treetop, but also settling on the heavily berry-laden Rowan trees. Other birds in the village included quite a few House Sparrows and the odd Robin and Chaffinch. Plenty of fungi around, especially Boletus spp (see pic below). Also a single Rabbit.
Walked part of the way up Schiehallion in the afternoon. Odd Meadow Pipits and Stonechats were the only birds on view. However driving back along the glen, noticed a Buzzard, a Dipper and 6 Greylag Geese. Out for a walk along the lochside in the evening, noticed a few Pipistrelle Bats overhead.
By Sunday the weather had improved again, showing the autumn colours of the Birches, Oaks and Beeches to their full advantage. Driving back to Dunkeld, saw a Red Squirrell scampering across the road.
Back to the usual routine today, but still managed to notice a Buzzard padding about in the second Finlaystone meadow (no doubt after some Earthworms).