Got to Ardmore Point for 8:45 this morning and spent an enjoyable couple of hours there. Birds in North Bay were fairly typical but two Greenshanks roosting on a rocky spit were more unusual. A Grasshopper Warbler was skulking in the bushes on the headland, a single Great black backed Gull was on the shoreline and three Gannets were offshore. A heavy squall blew in at this point making visibility quite poor. As a result, two "peeps" flying along the shore had to go unidentified.
Birds offshore included Eider, Cormorant and Red breasted Merganser. Round in South Bay, twenty Dunlin were feeding nervously with two or three Ringed Plovers. Twenty Swallows and two or three House Martins were feeding over the strandline and under nearby trees. Back at the car park, a lovely passerine flock contained around ten each of Greenfinch, Linnet and House Sparrow plus smaller numbers of Goldfinch, Meadow Pipit and Pied Wagtail.