Bitterly cold day in Edinburgh yesterday. Braved the North East flanks of Arthur's Seat but soon got beaten back by a ferocious westerly wind. Next to no birds about (except for Mute Swans and assorted gulls on St Margaret's Loch far below us). However heard some intriguing "Tut-tut" and "Whee-eet" calls from deep within the gorse which I imagined might be from Stonechat and Meadow Pipit respectively. Many of the Gorse bushes in full flower. I'm not sure if these are the last flowers of last season or the first of next. Interestingly, the gorse in some places is mixed with Broom. Wondered if this might be part of a deliberate fire-prevention policy.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
"The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls".
- - - - - - - - John Muir, 1838-1914 - -
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- Drove through from Glasgow to Edinburgh early yest...
- Drove down the coast between Greenock and Ayr this...
- Managed out for the last hour of daylight today. S...
- A better day today with strong winter sunshine, an...
Saturday, November 27, 2004
That recent run of s...
- Took a walk along the river again this morning. On...
- Working from home this morning, so took the opport...
- Last week's frost has given way to more rain (Bah!...
- More cold weather today. Lots of snow on distant p...
- Marked change in the weather today. Very calm, but...
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Previous Posts
- Drove through from Glasgow to Edinburgh early yest...
- Drove down the coast between Greenock and Ayr this...
- Managed out for the last hour of daylight today. S...
- A better day today with strong winter sunshine, an...
- Saturday, November 27, 2004 That recent run of s...
- Took a walk along the river again this morning. On...
- Working from home this morning, so took the opport...
- Last week's frost has given way to more rain (Bah!...
- More cold weather today. Lots of snow on distant p...
- Marked change in the weather today. Very calm, but...
Pseudo-Supermum McAulay is amused to read that you are a keen Blogger too. My MSN-enthusiast sons asked me to get in touch with you, and this was the only way I could contact you - couldn't find your phone-number. Yours have our number. Hope you don't mind this invasion of your privacy. Seasons greetings, and we all hope that you've had a great Christmas and will have a happy, healthy and wealthy New Year.
Thanks Karen,
and the same to you all.
Best wishes
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