Encountered a "multitude of Sparrows" today - two multitudes in fact. Driving back from Ayr, I noticed a cloud of about 100 to 200 birds swirling around telephone lines in a field next to the road. I expected them to be Starlings, but as I got closer I realised they were smaller and browner. I can only assume they were House Sparrows.
Back at Paisley Uni (around 4 pm), heard a loud cheeping coming from the Clematis growing outside the entrance to D block. Getting closer I saw several House Sparrows (between 10 and 20, I guess) squabbling over positions under the canopy formed by the leaves (possibly a roost site). Other sightings today included a male Kestrel hunting beside the three towns bypass, and a singing Dunnock under the street lights as I was leaving the campus.
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