Walked around Maxwell Park this morning. Single Little Grebe out on the pond, plus 11 Mallards and 14 Moorhen. One of the Moorhens had a chick, but most of the others were engaged in flamboyant threat displays with much head-lowering (see picture below) and flashing of white undertails. Other sightings of interest were plenty of Marsh Marigolds in flower and one of those enormous ornamental Carp lurking in the shallows. Along the Cart this afternoon, saw all the usual plants (including Garlic Mustard which started flowering last week) plus the first Herb Robert and Red Campion. Also found a small patch of Coltsfoot I had missed before, now gone to seed. Finally, single Grey Heron fishing quietly upstream of the rocky bend, clouds of Midges (for the first time this year) over the paths and a Grey Squirrel behind the estate. Back home, noticed a Kestrel flying over the house (can't remember the last one I saw here), House Sparrows carrying scraps of nest material or food and a Blue Tit checking out the nest box.
Great news from the web is that the Ivory billed Woodpecker, thought extinct for 60 years, has been sighted again in the Mississippi backwoods. For the full story, click here.