Went for the usual walk along the Cart late in the afternoon. Not many birds about (although the singing Willow Warbler was the first for this site this year). Spring flowers really starting to steal the show. Best are the Cuckoo Flower (coming up more profusely than I remember in previous years) and whole swathes of Yellow Archangel (above - the variegated variety, so probably a garden escape). Also "new" patches of Dog's Mercury, Common Comfry and Garlic Mustard (the latter two, like the Wild Garlic and Bluebells, still to flower). The mystery plant half way along the path looks like being a domestic Hyacinth. I wonder how it got there.....
Fantastic news from the web is that the long-awaited book "Birds britannica" now has a definite publication date (1st September 2005).
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