The saga of the Silver Glade pond continues. Set up a week ago, a Mayfly arrived even before all the water was in! Then a couple of Diving Beetles appeared on Day 3. Yesterday was a red letter day with the arrival of my mail-order native pond plant selection, so we now have Water Milfoil, Amphibious Bistort, Broad Leaved Pondweed, Frogbit, Bogbean, a couple of rushes, an Arrow leaved thingy, a White Water Lilly and a very sorry-looking Water Soldier (Oh, and 10 Water Snails). All are now settling in and fingers are crossed that they will put on a bit of growth before the season ends.
Had a glimse of what might be this lunchtime when I took a walk along by the seafront in Greenock. Whoever decided to build a linear water feature behind the sports centre there deserves a medal. The place is a little green oasis with Flowering Sedge adding some colour and a brown dragonfly, a couple of mini damselflies, lots of Sticklebacks and someone's unwanted Goldfish adding to the mix.
Oh, and the sun is back...
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