Really scraping the barrel this evening - trying to squeeze some natural connections out of a visit to Braehead Shopping Centre. However, as always, the wildlife was just outside the bubble, waiting to be encountered.
Took a walk along the Clyde behind the centre. At first, the only signs of life were some Lesser black backed and Black headed Gulls overhead and, across the river, a pair of Mute Swans pottering around a derelict slipway. However further West, the riverside vegetation became more interesting with clovers, vetches, sow-thistles, a small reedbed, and single plants of Teasel and Alexanders. A small brown bird flitted away before I could identify it. Similarly, two ducks high overhead might have been Wigeon..... but the light wasn't right.
Behind Xscape, two fledgling Pied Wagtails were testing their wings. While watching them with the binoculars, a Red Fox trotted across my field of view.
Heading home, another Fox (this time a cub) darted across the road in front of us.
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