Had quite a good day of natural connections today. Weather much improved with glorious sunshine for much of the day. Had to go to the hospital this morning, but heading for work at 10:30 am, noticed 2 House Martins still visiting nests under the eaves of a house in Cardonald Gardens. Took a short cut via Howwood and the Kilmacolm road. Still a fair number of Swallows about, plus at least one House Martin. At Locher Community Woodland, noticed a Peacock and a Small Toirtoiseshell on a Buddlhia bush, then a Kestrel on a telegraph pole, an invisible calling Raven, and 3 Buzzards in the space of half a mile (two soaring and one perched on top of a sapling). Verges covered in flowering hawkweeds and willowherbs. Also, the Heather around Knocknairshill reservoir has come into bloom.
Meanwhile the Lapwings are massing along the Clyde, and the leaves on a few trees are starting to turn ...
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