Today started with 15 or so House Martins fluttering around houses in Dunchurch Road, Ralston. In a day of hirundines, Swallows were along the A705 between Abington and Biggar, and Sand Martins were over the Medwin Water at the Meetings. Other highlights of a day spent in rainy Borders and South Lanarkshire were Kestrel, Stonechat and Whinchat in the hills outside Broughton and juvenile Mute Swan, Mallard, Coot and Pied Wagtail on Biggar Boating Pond [12,000].
Friday, June 27th, 2008
A much cooler day in west-central Scotland. However news from the web is that at least two seperate Scarlet Rosefinches are singing in Scotland this year - at Tyndrum and in Glen Urquhart.
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