Took the opportunity to walk to church this morning. Two Grey Herons were flapping up and down the Cart. On the way back there were two broods (5 and 2) of full-grown Mallard ducklings and a song-flighting Whitethroat at its regular site.
In the afternoon, walked along the Cart to Hawkhead and back. Best birds were another (or the same) singing Whitethroat around 500m west of this morning's bird, a Swift over the adjacent playing fields, a singing Chiffchaff and (probable) Blackcap at the Leverndale gate and a pair of Moorhens with 5 chicks on Rosshall Park pond.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Headed East today, to do some walking around Gladhouse Reservoir. Drove via the M74 and Douglas. Just off the motorway, a Lapwing was on the grass verge and a Grey Heron was flying over some farmland. Further on, two Grey Herons were standing in a small pool and lots of Swallows swooped over the road. In Penicuik, a Chiffchaff was singing from trees in Somerfield's car park. On route to Gladhouse, a male Kestrel headed over the moor. Then, around the reservoir itself, a Reed Bunting sang from the top of a sapling, A Roe Deer doe and her calf were seperated by a fence, a dozen or so Rabbits (including young) were relaxing around their warren, two Buzzards circled over the moors, Curlew and Sylark called in the distance and the marshland was studded with wild geraniums.
Friday, June 13, 2008
News from thw web is that churring Nightjars havebeen located at two sites in D&G.
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