Managed two walks today. First was a timed tetrad visit to Craigton which turned up plenty of Redwings but little else of note. Birdsong had significantly increased however with Robin, Song Thrush, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Dunnock, Wren, Greenfinch, Chaffinch and even some of the Redwings chipping in. Second walk was along the river as far as Leverndale. Plenty of birds were singing and pairs of both Blue and Coal Tits were chasing through the bare branches. In the woods, the Snowdrops are now in flower. One of the local dog walkers was digging up a huge patch but she stopped when I walked by.
News from the web is that some of the Red throated Divers and Black Guillemots in D&G have moulted into summer plumage.
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