A frosty morning gave way to a day of showers. The usual lunchtime walk around Murdieston Park produced a couple of notable sightings including a pair of Goosanders, new in on the main dam. When I started to take my binoculars out of my carrier bag, the male started steaming towards me (accompanied by most of the gulls in the area). He was obviously hoping I was going to produce some bread. Two Goldeneyes out in the deep water were fairly typical (up to 5 having been present recently) but a Greater black backed Gull was more unusual.
Round the margins, four Blackbirds was a good count, as were 4 Chaffinches (including a singing male). Fifty Starlings were singing from tall trees and a single Coot was making a half-hearted attempt to start a nest. However sighting of the day concerned two Ravens flying over, cronking quietly.
News from the web (Birdguides; BTO) is of the first Wheatear and Swallow (in Cornwall) and a Robin on eggs.
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