A cold start today, with near-freezing temperatures at the campsite. Set off at 6:15 to walk the first few miles of the Lairig Ghru footpath. Almost the first sound heard was the cheerful "Twiddly-dee" of a Crested Tit. Other wildlife encountered along the way included Siskin, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush and Red Squirrel (plus lots of singing Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Wren and Robin). A late morning stop at Loch Morlich produced Red breasted Merganser and Goldeneye, while the north east corner of Loch Insh turned up Goldeneye, Oystercatcher and Reed Bunting. A par of Greylag Geese were at Glen Feshie airstrip and another three were at Uath Lochans. Also at Uath were displaying Goldeneye and singing Meadow Pipit. Driving home, a Red legged Partridge was dead on the roadside north of the Sma' Glen. while a Grey Partidge flew over. Nearby were three Canada Geese and a Grey Heron. Finally, a Swallow in Crief was my first of the year.
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