An early start today - and a walk at Locherwoods before work. Had hoped to hear my first Cuckoo of the year - but had to settle for a Grasshopper Warbler reeling in a damp field corner and a pair of Kestrels sparring with two Ravens. The thick mist made bird finding difficult, but it didn't deter excellent numbers of Chaffinches and Willow Warblers from singing - I counted 17 and 30 respectively in just 20 minutes of walking.
The late afternoon was spent tackling the back and front gardens. Plenty of birds were around including a pair of Blue Tits visiting the nestbox on the back wall, two Blackcaps having a singing duel and a Great spotted Woodpecker "Peep" ing from over the back fence. Highlight however was a Raven (my first for my home square) which powered over, cronking loudly, around 6pm.
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