Highlights of a bright and breezy day in Strathspey
consisted of: Two Red Grouse at Drumochter, two singing Chiffchaffs at
Aviemore, a family party of seven Swallows near Kinchurdy Cottages, Goosander
and two Grey Wagtails on the Spey, Wigeon, Non-birds included Roe Deer, Brown
Hare and a vole sp. Plus Red Admirals at two sites and Dragonfles at a further
The following details added on 1st October 2017: The train north produced two red Grouse
flushed from the side of the track at Drumochter, a single Feral Pigeon on a
house roof in Dalwhinnie, seven Teal on one of the flooded peat diggings just
east of there and a Buzzard overhead. Newtonmore had 15 Woodpigeons and three
Pheasants on stubble and five Carrion Crows flying over. A small lochan west of
Kingussie held twelve Teal, two Mallards and two Greylag Geese while ten Jackdaws
were around the station.
Arriving in Aviemore, at least three Robins were in song,
accompanied by the squeaks of Coal Tit and Great Tit. More surprising were two
Chiffchaffs in song along Dalfaber Road.
Decided to walk along the Spey to Boat of Garten. The Alders
along many stretches of the north bank of the river were beginning to drop
their leaves and many of these showed evidence of infestation with Alder
bead-gall mite (Phytoptus laevis).
The river was quiet apart from 16 Mallards flying upstream
in a loose flock and another eight (possibly part of the same group) in front
of the chalets on Dalfaber Drive. The only other water bird along the entire
length of the river from Aviemore to Boat of Garten was a Goosander flying
downstream at Auchgourish. Goldeneye, Tufted Duck, Grey Heron, Cormorant,
Kingfisher, Dipper, Grey Wagtail and Moorhen were notable by their complete
Land birds along the river included a flock of at least 12
Long-tailed Tits giving their three-note call as they moved through the trees,
fifteen Feral Pigeons (including several "fancy" birds) in a flock
over the golf course, single Buzzards at three sites, two Mistle Thrushes
feeding on cropped turf, three Teal on Loch Bann, seven Swallows (including
several young birds) on wires just north of Kinchurdy Cottages and a single
Meadow Pipit calling, unseen, from a rushy field.
Other wildlife highlights consisted of two Red Admiral
butterflies on the plastic sleeves of saplings in Aviemore (with another at the
Boat Hotel), a hairy caterpillar sp., a Violet Ground Beetle and a vole sp.
crossing the path, a Brown Hare disturbed near Loch Bann, a Roe Deer grazing
near Pityoulish, a large, olive-coloured dragonfly sp. near the Auchgourish
fishermans hut and a similar-sized but more brightly coloured dragonfly in Boat
Flowering plants were fairly scarce but included knapweed
sp., ragwort sp., Devil's Bit Scabious and Harebell. Rosebay Willow Herb has
now seeded and the plants' red stems were notable. The first Birch leaves were
beginning to yellow and fall.
An evening walk along to Milton Loch produced 18 Mallards
(now almost back into breeding plumage and starting to posture and whistle), a
female/eclipse Wigeon and two Moorhens. An extension along the Spey produced
two Grey Wagtails, four Siskins and 50 to 100 Chaffinches feeding in an
unharvested wheat field and commuting back to bushes and fence-lines.
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