An early walk around the Balgray reservoirs produced some interesting sightings including three Pochard (my first of the year), a Snipe (flushed from the edge of Balgray Reservoir), a pair of Dippers chasing and calling loudly and a rather lost-looking immature Long-tailed Duck. The full bird list for the walk was: Mute Swan, Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Wigeon, Teal, Mallard,
Pochard, Tufted Duck, Long-tailed Duck, Goldeneye, Goosander, Cormorant, Little
Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Buzzard, Moorhen, Snipe, Common Gull, Herring Gull,
Great Black-backed Gull, Woodpigeon, Magpie, Jackdaw, Rook, Carrion Crow, Raven,
Blue Tit, Great Tit, Wren, Dipper, Fieldfare, Redwing, Robin, Dunnock, Grey
Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, Chaffinch, Linnet, Lesser Redpoll and Reed Bunting (40 species).
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