Saturday, September 22, 2018
Today marked a weather milestone with the first ice on the car windscreen when I went out, about 8am. Headed to Balgray Reservoir about 10:30 am to look for the Grey Phalarope reported there but the bird had already been flushed to the far side. Had to be content with Ringed Plovers, Dunlin, a hunting Kestrel and a late (for me) Sand Martin. Next stop was Garnqueen Loch which sometimes holds Ruddy Duck at this time of year. No luck again although I subsequently noticed that one was reported there the very next day. The final stop was Hogganfield Loch where the juvenile Black Tern was showing well as it flew large circuits between the north west bank and the island. Other interesting birds there included two Gadwall and a single Whooper Swan.
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