Today's exercise walk also extended a little further than of late - to Kelvingrove Park and environs. Highlights were Kingfisher, Dipper, Grey Wagtail, Sand Martin and Goosander on the river, four singing Stock Doves in riverside trees and a nice patch of Valerian in flower. Bird of the day (and the week so far) has been Chaffinch (with Greenfinch a close second). Both species have been encountered all along yesterday's and today's route. This seems to be the peak singing period for the two species (I seem to remember that the males of these finches don't start singing in earnest until the nest is being built) whereas the tits seem to have all but stopped singing for the year. The Blue Tits in the box on the back wall of the house look set to fledge any day now.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
"The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls".
- - - - - - - - John Muir, 1838-1914 - -
Previous Posts
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Previous Posts
- A longer exercise walk today encompassed a stretch...
- Carrion Crow was the latest species to have fledge...
- A Kingfisher under Bonnyholm Bridge was the highla...
- On a wet and windy day, a lone female Goosander wa...
- Locally, the breeding season continues to progress...
- Wednesday, May 20, 2020
- Three Swifts were hawking over the woods opposite ...
- Birding highlight of the day was the local hybrid ...
- Most notable local bird today was an Oystercatcher...
- Two Willow Warblers now seem to be singing in the ...
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