Today was the last day of my two weeks spent in Badenoch and Strathspey and Moray. The first stop heading south was the Speyside Centre near Skye of Curr where Willow Warblers and Siskins were calling in the forest and Curlews were bubbling from adjacent rough farmland. A Chimney Sweeper moth was a nice find and some interesting plants along the roadside included Scots Lovage and Common Valerian. The other stop on the way south was in Dunkeld where a breeding colony of Common and Black-headed Gulls was in full swing on a large shingle island in the Tay. Fledged juveniles of both species were evident as well as adults either incubating eggs or brooding small young. A single Common Tern was resting on the island and occasionally patrolling the river (there was also one over the Spey south of Rothes earlier in the day).
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