The highlight of my usual Sunday walk was a first, not only for the 1km square involved (Crookston Castle and Brock Burn) but for the entire area I regularly survey (which also includes White Cart Corridor from Cardonald library to Howford Bridge, Bull Wood/Leverndale Hospital and Ralston/Crookston). The species in question was Pheasant: a female quietly feeding on the verge of Brockburn Road. I was alerted to it by a Carrion Crow dive-bombing something in the long grass - obviously the crow had never seen one here either. Also notable on today's walk were lots of Redwings, Blackbirds and Starlings (maybe an arrival overnight), Siskins at two sites (rare so far this year) and snatches of song from Woodpigeon, Coal Tit, Starling and Goldcrest.
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