Lots of natural connections this week – only not much time to record them. Sunday’s highlight was the sighting of 3 Kingfishers flying, one after the other, along the Brock Burn. I guess that means local breeding as a pair would not have tolerated another, unrelated individual.
Monday lunchtime was spent at Greenock West Harbour, where a single Black Guillemot was seen flying up to a ledge on the harbour wall. The drive home on Tuesday was enlivened by a soaring Buzzard near Bishopton, and this mornings drive down by a hovering Kestrel near the airport. Finally (in terms of bird sightings) a juvenile Woodpigeon was on the road outside the glade this morning, accompanied by two Collared Doves.Plant highlights include Montbretia in flower at Langbank and a large patch of Sow Thistle at Arkleston rail bridge.
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