Quiet day today, connection-wise. The two Toads were looking very restless in the pond, so I helped them out and into cover. Hope they remember where the pond is come spawning time.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Caught a huge Toad and an equally huge Frog which had hidden under a neighbour's paving slabs. Released them both in the silverglade pond. While we were doing so, another Toad (presumably the one which turned up about 2 weeks ago) came up from the pond bottom for some air. Neither of the new arrivals settled so I helped both out onto the pond edges. The Frog hopped into the nearby undergrowth but the Toad promptly hopped back into the pond. Have left a stone which can be used as an escape route if necessary (until I have time to put in a sloping gravel bank).
Forgot to mention, middle of last week, 14 Mallards on the river just 200m west of here, included a leucistic bird.
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