Headed for Longhaugh Point first thing this morning. Unfortunately the tide was completely out (should have gone to Baron's Haugh as originally planned) so any birds present were scattered over a vast expanse of mud. As a result, finding anything unusual was pretty difficult, but the spectacle of hundreds of waders, gulls and other birds as far as the eye could see was ample compensation. Best birds on show were three Whimbrels (including one with a pronounced limp), small numbers of Teal and Wigeon, a reeling Grasshopper Warbler and several Sedge Warblers (including one carrying food - a day late for the atlas). The Sedge Warblers were making the most of the excellent little reedbed on the east side of the point. Other plantlife included Knapweed, Meadowsweet and Sow Thistle.
This evening, A Red Fox cub was sitting in a front garden, watching the world go by.
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